Secured payment

Pay with confidence!

We choose the payment method Cyberplus Payment of Banque Populaire that uses SSL, recognized around the world for the protection of data & eacute; es sent via Internet.

Payment Process

After filling your cart, you choose the mode of payment by credit card. You will be automatically redirected to a secure page Site Cyberplus Banque Populaire.

The icons at the bottom of the page indicate that you are on a secure page of the site.

To confirm your payment, you must enter the following data:

  • Card number
  • Expiration date
  • Security code (last 3 digits of the number on the back of your card)



Personal banking data is encrypted before sending your computer Cyberplus payment server. No information is transmitted clear on the Internet.

The Cyberplus Payment server sent us his permission. In the case of a refusal by your bank, we have no access to the confidential because of the refusal of payment.

The exchanges between you and the Cyberplus Payment server are encrypted and we have no access to your banking data.